Elon Musk Displays a Humanoid Robot Prototype on Eve of Tesla AI Day

On the special day of company 2022 AI Day, Tesla CEO Elon Musk & other masters from the automaker’s AI and hardware teammates tell that a group of engineers-recruiting event in Palo Alto, Calif., on Friday night.

On the past AI day in August 2021, Musk briefed that Tesla was making a humanoid robot, well known as the Tesla Bot or Optimus. At that time company didn’t have any prototype to present, and instead, they show a dancer, dressed in a Tesla Bot spandex unitard on stage.

In 2022, Musk and Tesla team joined their dummy robot on stage and showed off a humanoid robot. The rough develop robot simply walks and waves a hand in the air.

During the presentation on Friday, Tesla staff members showed how the humanoid robot they are developing could function in the future, including actuators made by Tesla that serve as the robot’s muscles and flexible robotic hands that will let the robot manipulate a range of objects.

Milan Kovac, Tesla’s Director of Engineering for Autopilot, stated on his LinkedIn page that the business has experience developing driver assistance systems for Tesla vehicles, specifically computer vision technologies, They were helping it figure out how to make a humanoid robot work in the real world.

Tesla employees spoke extensively on Friday about their commitment to the human form, despite robotics experts’ claims that the company does not need a bipedal robot to improve automation in its operations. Employees further stated that in order to cut power consumption and give their robots the ability to run continuously for an entire day on a single charge, they were creating specially engineered batteries and actuators.

Musk explained why Tesla organised this AI Day event, “to assure few of the talented guys like you, to join hands with Tesla and make this reality.”

Big promises

Musk made big promises to their honest fans.

Since 2016 CEO promised self-driving EVs and has raised lots of funds for Tesla by making promises to shareholders that Tesla’s successfully build an autonomous vehicle for customers to turn their cars into running robotaxis after a software update.